HOSTED BY: Kenneth Walker Dance Project and co-produced by CSU Dominguez Hills Department of Theater and Dance

FEATURING CHOREOGRAPHY BY: Salvatore Aiello, Gerald Arpino, Jose Costas, Jestoni “Jet” Dagdag, Joyce Lo, Zoe Marienllo-Kohn, Stella Sing Yiun Ng, Maté Szentes, Marine de Vachon (Meet the Choreographers of Balletfest)

What do you get when you have ballet choreographers from San Diego, Los Angeles, Orange County and a recent transplant all the way from Toronto?  You get Balletfest.  An inspiring, multiplistic mix of contemporary ballet from nine different choreographers, it’s Balletfest! Join us for this first gathering featuring the works of both modern masters and emerging southland artists selected by Southern California’s own Kenneth Walker.

In association with CSU Dominguez Hills Department of Theater and Dance, Kenneth Walker Dance Project (KWDP) presents Balletfest. A treat for balletomanes, this festival of dance will be performed September 3, 2022, and present the work of nine choreographers, from emerging artists to modern masters. 

Program highlights will include the pas de deux from Light Rain by Gerald Arpino. Staged for KWDP by Joffrey Ballet alum Cameron Basden, this sensual duet is an audience favorite wherever it is performed. KWDP is proud to be the first company to perform it in Los Angeles since Joffrey moved to Chicago in 1995. 

Event Details

(photography by Scott Edwards)